Dry Eye Products - Drops, Gels & Masks

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What is dry eye?

Dry eye is exactly as it sounds – the condition of having dry eyes. This occurs when your eyes aren’t producing the tears they require to stay moist and healthy. The production of tears and maintaining a hydrated tear film is important to keep your eyes feeling moisturised. Dry eye can cause discomfort, irritation and make wearing contact lenses difficult.

What are the causes of dry eye?

Unfortunately, contributing factors towards the onset of dry eye are all around us in the modern world. Living or working in an air-conditioned or heated building can cause your eyes to dry out, while extended use of computers, smart phones and other digital screens leads to a reduced rate of blinking, and can easily induce dry eye.

Dry eye can also be triggered by wearing contact lenses, in which case your optician may suggest you switch to a contact lens with a higher water content, or more breathable material such as silicone hydrogel.

What are the symptoms of dry eye?

Commonly, dry eye can cause your eyes to feel sore and gritty, even leaving them looking red and irritated. You may find yourself rubbing your eyes constantly, or having the sensation of something being in your eye.

The symptoms of dry eye can be uncomfortable, but they are easily cured by a range of over-the-counter treatments and that any serious problems caused by dry eye are extremely rare. If your symptoms do not lessen after treatment, then make sure to visit your GP or optician.

How can I treat dry eye?

Eye drops are one of the best and most effective treatments to deal with the symptoms of dry eye, and work by adding moisture back into your eyes. An extensive selection of eye drops are stocked at FeelGoodContacts.com and include best-selling products such as Blink Intensive Tears by AMO and Clinitas Soothe by trusted manufacturers Altacor. These are both available in 10ml bottles, or as single-use vials, making them easy to carry with you when you’re out and about or travelling abroad.

Many of our eye drops can even be used while you have your contact lenses in, but it’s always best to check the packaging of the eye drops and contact lenses you are wearing, or ask your optician for confirmation. Whatever your needs are, you’ll be sure to find your ideal dry eye treatment when you shop with Feel Good Contacts. Not sure what that is yet? Rate the degree of your dry eye symptoms with our Dry Eyes Quiz!

Artelac Nighttime Gel is a perfect overnight treatment that can be applied before you go to sleep and offers relief from dry eye throughout the day. Specifically designed for people with chronic tear dysfunction, Artelac supports all three tear film layers to protect your eyes. Alternatively, Clinitas Soothe also come in 20 re-sealable droppers for all day use. The highly lubricating eye drops from Altacor are preservative-free and the perfect relief for gritty, dry and irritable eyes.

On top of this, make sure to drink plenty of water and stay hydrated throughout the day, while you should also avoid wearing contact lenses past their recommended wearing time.

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